Welcome Adventurers!

It only takes a few steps to bring your Hero Forge® miniatures into the realm of TaleSpire.

Let's begin.
Please note that you do not need a Hero Forge® account to play with miniatures created by other players, even if you are the GM. An account is only required for sharing your creations with a campaign

Linking your Hero Forge® Account

In order to bring your creations into TaleSpire, first you need to link your account.

We start in Hero Forge®

  1. Browse to your "Account" > "Personal Info" for your Hero Forge® profile.
  1. Select and copy the "Access Key." This key gives programs like TaleSpire the right to fetch your created miniatures.
  2. The key shown here is not real. Remember, never share your Access Key with others. The Access Key can only be associated with a single TaleSpire Account at the same time.

And now, in TaleSpire

  1. Click the Settings icon in the top right.
  1. In the newly opened Settings window, click the little pen icon to the right of the "HeroForge Access Key."
  1. Nearly done! Paste your Access Key in the box, check off the Terms of Service agreement, and click OK to complete.

Adding your miniature to a campaign

Now that your account is linked, you can choose which miniatures are shared with which campaign.

There is no limit: you can link each miniature to multiple campaigns.

The UI is slightly different for GMs than it is for the players, so feel free to jump to the bit that suits you best (or read them both if you fancy!)

Important : Minis must be purchased as "3D Digital" to work with TaleSpire. Do not buy as STL if your goal is to use the mini in TaleSpire. That option is best for 3D printing.

Adding miniatures as a player

  1. First, choose the campaign you are playing and click "Play." This will take you into that campaign.
  1. Then, down at the bottom of the screen, there will be a little tab you need to click on to open the HeroForge panel.

    If it's not immediately visible, press the Spacebar to show the UI.

  1. After a few seconds, a list of your miniatures will appear. To start with, all of the images will be gray. This is because they are not yet linked to the campaign.
  1. Simply click an image to link the miniature. It will then begin to download.

    Once the download is complete, TaleSpire will do a couple of seconds of processing, and then the image will gain color. Your miniature is now linked and ready to use!

Unlinking a miniature


If you ever want to unlink a miniature from the campaign:

  1. Open the HeroForge panel using the tab.
  2. Find the miniature you want to unlink.
  3. Click the small chain icon in the top left. The picture will become gray showing that the mini is no longer linked.

And that's it!

As only GMs can spawn creatures, your work is now complete! Your miniature will be automatically downloaded to all your friends in the campaign, including your GM, who will then be able to spawn it.

If you are curious about what it looks like for GMs, keep reading. If not, then thanks for stopping by. Best of luck on your adventures!

Managing miniatures as a GM

As overlords of the campaign, only GMs can spawn creatures in TaleSpire. This goes for ones made in Hero Forge® too.

This means that while both you and your players can share your creations with the campaign, they will need a GM to bring them into the world.

Luckily the process is extremely simple but first, let's look at how your share miniatures with the campaign.

  1. First, choose the campaign you are playing and click "Play." This will take you into that campaign.
  1. Next, click on the Library tab at the bottom of the screen to show the Library panel. As usual, if it's not immediately visible, simply press space to show the UI.
  1. On the left of the "Open Library" tab, you should see two tabs. By clicking on the leftmost one, you will switch to the HeroForge panel.
  1. On the far left of the HeroForge panel, you will see one or two categories depending on whether you have linked your account or only some of your players have.
  2. The top icon switches to the "Your HeroForge Library" category. It lets you link the miniatures from your HeroForge account.
  3. The bottom icon switches to the "Campaign Linked" category. It allows you to see and spawn the miniatures linked by any member of the campaign.

Managing your own Hero Forge® minis


The "Your HeroForge Library" section is almost identical to the view the players have. Your Hero Forge® miniatures will appear here.

  1. To start with, all of the images will be grey. This is because those miniatures are not yet linked to the campaign.
  1. To link a miniature, simply click on it. It will begin to download. When the download is complete, the image will gain color.
  1. You can now click on it to spawn that miniature as a creature!
  1. All downloaded miniatures are also available in the regular asset library in the Creatures category, under the HeroForge folder.

Managing all the miniatures linked to the campaign


In the "Campaign Linked" section, you will find all the HeroForge miniatures linked to your campaign by any player or GM.

  1. The images here will be grayed out until the download completes. Once downloaded, you can click any miniature to spawn it as a TaleSpire creature.
  1. As with your own miniatures, all downloaded miniatures are also available in the regular asset library in the Creatures category, under the HeroForge folder.

And there you have it. Drop us a note on the Discord or https://feedback.talespire.com/ if you experience any problems with the integration, but aside from that, we hope you enjoy forging some new adventures.

Have Fun!